Thursday, January 22, 2009

[Brass]Producing a good tone.

Brass instruments uses a mouthpiece in order to produce a sound. Therefore. all brass instrument have the same concept in producing a good tone. What is a good tone for brass instruements ?Basically, a good tone is recognized by its fullness and solidness. When a person plays the instrument and the sound is airy and not solid, it isn't a good sound. When the sound tends to crack and go off pitch, its not a good sound either.

So, how do we solve these problems ?? There are several ways to solve this problems.
  • Make sure you know what is a good sound. Listen to more recordings and experienced people playing the instrument. This would eventually help you to indentify the problem with your sound and thus it helps you to have a clear understanding of what is needed
  • Do long tones exercise. This is one of the best way in getting a good tone. With long tones, you can indentify the problems in your sound. Is it too shaky ? Unconstant ? Or you simply can't hit the note. Then, start searching for solutions. The solutions are simple and I'll further explain down there
  • Ensure a clear pathway of air from your diaphragm to the instruments. The common term 'opening your throat' is taken into consideration here. I've posted a section similar to the breathing part in singing here. The aim is to allow a clear pathway and prevent blockages. If you feel that your sound goes sharp and flat very often, you just have to play more long tones so that your mouth gets used to the note. Practice makes perfect
  • Relax your lips. This is something very hard to master. You'll have to ensure that your lips are relaxed but at the same time sufficiently tight to hit the note. It must be 'right at the point' in order to do it good. Remember, playing high notes doesn't neccesary requires us to tighten your lips. It'll only spoil the sound produced.
  • Use the air from your diaphram. Ensure that everytime you play, push the air from your diaphragm out and play the note with no doubts. This is the key to achieve a full and clear tone. This would require a lot of stamina but it'll produce a very loud,bright and clear tone. Remember, keep your lips, throat and body relaxed and push the air out without any blockages
Basically this is all that I can provide you in brass playing. I'm personally not a brass player but this is what I went through with my fellow band mates. In conclusion, to achieve a good tone. It's hardwork that would guarantee success. Therefore, I wish all of you luck.

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