Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Many people wonder how can they sing well and produce a good intonation. They tried many ways and tried many types of concept so that they would be able to produce a projected,rich and solid tone. Unfortunately, most of them do not know the basics of all these. Breathing. There are several techniques in breathing before we sing. These are several tips which I can give when you are praciting breathing or when u are singing

  1. Simplest way of all. Lie down on your bed and start breathing. Notice the diaphragm starts to expand like a balloon when u start to breathe in. Well, thats how you should be breathing when you sing. If u can do so, congratulations cause u succeeded.
  2. Relax your throat. Your throat must be relaxed so that the air you breathe in can pass through. Try yawning. When you yawn, your throat would be relaxed at the maximum stat and allowing a good breathing way. When you sigh, the same concept is applied.
  3. Be sure that you have the correct posture. When you are standing, ensure that you are standing up straight. Do not slouch or slant to the back. Chins should be parallel to the ground and do NOT lock your knees as it prevents blood flow
You can gain more information here if you wish to get to know more about it

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